
Tim Roberts

Free Copy of my Next Book Inside

Published 5 months agoย โ€ขย 2 min read

Welcome to the most infrequent newsletter in the history of newsletters. And most likely the last for 2023. As usual, I've been busy. After moving from country to country, working a remote job, finishing up my first novel and preparing it for launch, I've finally found time to fill in my subscribers. Thank you for your patience.

Exploring Spain's Costa Blanca

I entered Spain in the middle of a brutal heat wave. Thought I'd get some relief from the topics of the Philippines, but nope, this was worse. But it worked out okay because I couldn't do much in my Airbnb, a casita, in the isolated Xalo Valley on Spain's Costa Blanca, but work. The owner of the casita, a lovely older English lady Lauren, lived upstairs. We got along just fine, even if she did talk a lot.

After the madness of the relationship break-up, the temptations and distractions of the Philippines, I needed to focus on finishing this Goddamn book! And I achieved it. Did I get cabin fever? You betcha. So Lauren arranged for her son, expat Sam, to take for a night out. Sam was a real man's man, and took me to Benidorm, which is kind of like the Surfers Paradise of Spain; tacky AF but nightlife central. It's where all the drunk English tourists go to party. I got taken to a bar where a famous local woman called Sticky Vicky performed a vaginal magic show... cabin fever cured.

Once it cooled down a bit I managed to get out and explore the coast, Valencia & Alicante (pictured) and even a short stint on the Island of Menorca.

London and Surrey

I visited my brother in London and I couldn't to afford to breathe there ($9 Aussie dollars for cappuccino!) so I booked a housesit in Surrey. I looked after a little pooch called Saffy that was still only one year old. Although adorable, she was demanding of attention, pooped inside and occasionally like to hump my leg. But it rained a lot so I was productive and saw some beautiful English countryside. And when the sun did come out, the English countryside is some of the most beautiful I've seen in the world, and I've seen a lot!

Nairobi is Nature... and Nuts

After one month in the U.K. I moved onto Nairobi. This was timed for the completion of my book where I could let me hair down somewhat, do some safaris, and put myself back in the dating pool. I hadn't dated in almost four months. But this is what you need to do if you want to finish something worthwhile - you really need to isolate yourself inside a log cabin for however long.

Nairobi has not disappointed. It has a national park in the city where you can do game drives (pictured). And the nightlife is next-level, where even Matatu's (Nairobi's main form of transport) turn in to mobile party busses at night complete with strobe lights and loud speakers pumping tunes. I've been to some epic nightlife spots around the world, and Nairobi is up there with the best.

But this week it's time to chill while I travel to the beautiful and tropical Kenyan Indian Ocean coast. I'll be staying in nomad and expat hotspots Watamu and Diani Beach.

Free Copy of Highly Flawed Individual

This Friday 15th December is the launch of my debut novel, Highly Flawed Individual. It's been over three years in the making. If you would like to do me a solid, you can either pre-order the eBook from Amazon (for less than a coffee), or download for free on launch day which will help Amazon's algorithms further boost its promotion. Plus, you get a free awesome book, win-win! Just click the link below for listing page

There's a chance I might spam you again on launch day. But if not, thank you so much for your continued support, happy holidays and new year ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ.

Tim Roberts - Independent

Planet Earth
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Tim Roberts

Tim is a freelance copywriter and author of DigiDrifter blog. Tim published his first non-fiction book, Goodbye Office, Hello World! Find Freedom, Work From Anywhere and Travel the World, in 2022. He aims to publish his first novel, Hello Stranger, in 2023.

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