
Tim Roberts

Nomading in Kenya: Plus a Free Book!

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Being a Nomad Ain't All Sunshine and Rainbows

A comment I get a lot from friends in reaction to pics I post on socials from around the world is:

"Living the dream!"

Which is precisely why I don't post many pics on socials, because I don't want to give out the impression that I'm living the dream. Living this nomadic existence is definitely not all sunshine and rainbows. There are challenges and it's not for everyone. Many newbie nomads don't last a year. Heck, some don't even last six months,

I am a member of various digital nomad groups on Facebook and regularly see posts of people struggling with the lifestyle. From what I see and experience myself, the most common challenges are:

  • Loneliness
  • Unsettledness
  • Accommodation/cost
  • Reliable internet
  • Safety

If you are considering starting out life on the road, I suggest starting out with shorter trips to countries where you will be most comfortable. Here's a rule of thumb:

Beginners: First-world such as Europe, North America, Australia, etc.

Intermediate: Regions such as Southeast Asia and South America, Central America

Advanced: Africa

The Highs and Lows of Kenya

To continue the above theme, Kenya was somewhat challenging. Starting in Nairobi and working myself to the Kenyan coast, I dealt with mysterious sickness, crime, reduction of work hours, heat rash, lack of sleep, crazy dogs shitting inside everywhere (house sitting in Watamu Beach, see culprits above), accommodation issues, sea urchins stuck in foot and, of course, women problems. It was one of my more challenging stints abroad.

But then, there were also some magical times such as walking through Nairobi National Park with a giraffe, experiencing Kibera slum (biggest in Africa), cocktails watching the sunset over the Indian Ocean, an incredible restaurant inside a cave, and dating Miss Kenya Universe 2019 (no, unfortunately it didn't last).

Moral? You gotta take the good with the bad, I guess!

Do not lose your phone

Here's a tip - have a back-up phone or plan in case your phone is lost or stolen while abroad. The biggest headache it causes once you get mobile again and set up all your apps and accounts, chances are you will need 2FA in the form of a text message to your home countries phone number or an authenticator app code, or both. I cannot stress how stressful this was for me after my phone was stolen in Kenya. What's worse, it's happened to me before (in Colombia) so I really should have learned my lesson.

The solution? Besides having a backup phone with all your essential accounts and apps already set up, you should be able to find an affordable SIM plan that allows you to keep your phone number for up to year while also being able to receive text messages (2FA codes) while overseas. In Australia, I discovered Amaysim, which provides this for only $10 a year. I am not affiliated with them, but maybe will be in the future God bless them.

Free giveaway, and other indie-author books

I have teamed up with some other indie-authors for a promotion about Imperfect Characters We Love. With a title like, Highly Flawed Individual. I figured my book was more than appropriate. What's more, this week my book is absolutely FREE on Amazon. Just click the book link below, find my book (pictured) and click again.

What's Next?

After returning to Australia briefly to visit family, I am about to embark to Africa again. (despite the hardships, something about Africa grabs you). This time Tanzania. I hope to do more safaris and will hopefully have more uplifting news to share.

Thanks for reading

T.C. Roberts

Tim Roberts

Tim is a freelance copywriter and author of DigiDrifter blog. Tim published his first non-fiction book, Goodbye Office, Hello World! Find Freedom, Work From Anywhere and Travel the World, in 2022. He aims to publish his first novel, Hello Stranger, in 2023.

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