
Tim Roberts


Published 8 months ago • 1 min read

Hello again!

I recently just finished up a six month stint in the Philippines. There was good, bad, and sometimes bizarre times. The Philippines is a popular choice for nomads and expats because you can basically keep extending your tourist visa indefinitely (for a price)

You can read all about my experience in my latest blog:

Digital Nomad Philippines: The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Island Life

Relationships are hard as a nomad

I thought a fellow, female nomad was the answer to having a successful relationship on the road. As such, I joined such Facebook groups as Nomad Soulmates and Single Nomads in the hope of finding a female version of myself. Someone I could travel and work remotely with.

And I did! We clicked easily online over our shared passion for travel, digital marketing and remote work. But as it turns out, traveling, living and working from home together has its own set of challenges. You can read more about it in the blog above.

Escaped to the Costa Blanca, Spain

One downside to the Philippines is the amount of sex tourism and old, seedy "sexpats" that live there. And after just a few months of single life in the Philippines I had to escape out of fear of becoming a "sexpat" myself.

I am now in the Costa Blanca, Spain, in a quiet valley not far from Calpe.

Why choose a quiet valley and tiny village to live in? After single life in the Cebu, the Philippines, I needed somewhere free of distraction to focus on finishing my first novel.

And I did!

It is the first book in the series, The Misadventures of a Modern-day Nomad (not based on me at all...). The manuscript is now with my editor and I hope to launch in October:

.I also have a new cover design and title:

If you would like to join my launch team, please let me know. It would mean you get a free copy of the book. The more downloads at launch, the more amazon promotes it - so it's a win-win.

I promise it will entertain and having you laughing your ass off.

What's next?

After Spain, I'll be doing some housesits-pet-minding across Europe. This is a great way to get free accommodation, saving you a ton of money which you can put towards further travels and awesome tours - I will write a post on this, as well as one on my experience nomading Spain.

Until then,

Remember, YOLO!

Be free,

Fly like a bird,

Fuck the system.

Tim Roberts

Tim is a freelance copywriter and author of DigiDrifter blog. Tim published his first non-fiction book, Goodbye Office, Hello World! Find Freedom, Work From Anywhere and Travel the World, in 2022. He aims to publish his first novel, Hello Stranger, in 2023.

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